I first heard about RLP and crafty kids when I was going to the recovery groups. My good friend Jamie McMillan took me under her wing as my support worker and she told me all about RLP and Crafty Kids. As I was always stuck in the house and didn’t go out, I had to push myself so I asked Jamie if there were any volunteer positions at Crafty Kids.
I started voluntary work in July 2021 making up craft boxes for local family’s kids plus sensory boxes.
I love being here and ended up getting a part time job as a cleaner for RLP also doing odd jobs too. My confidence has flourished and they can’t keep me away. I feel as if I have found my calling in life.
I joined the TIER group and learned a lot about trauma which is helping me through my own trauma. I also get help with my reading and spelling as growing up was very hard for me. I have found many friends and great people through my experience. Hopefully in a couple of years time I will move into another position such as a volunteer supervisor.
All the staff have helped me to achieve my goal’s and I couldn’t ask for more. Thank You Crafty Kids and Resilience Learning Partnership you all have made the woman I am today and I didn’t think it was possible. Love all you guys.