Laura Robertson, Finance and Fundraising Officer, Resilience Learning Partnership

Laura Robertson

Finance Officer

I started at RLP on the 29/06/2021, this was a complete career change for me as I had been in retail for 16 years, working my way up from a 4-hour Saturday contract right up to Manager.
I returned to work after maternity leave part-time and with less responsibility. I quickly realised that I was no longer feeling challenged, so I left in December 2019. I did not know what field I wanted to work in but knew I wanted to do something worthwhile, rewarding and that would challenge me.

After 1.5 years out of work, looking after our girls and COVID, I found RLP.
Although nervous, the whole team put me at ease.
I have been able to learn on the job and to grow in confidence as the organisation grows.
I genuinely believe in the priorities and commitments of RLP.
I have never worked in an organisation like RLP where the wellbeing of the team is a priority.
I have been able to change my working pattern, for childcare and to meet my working life balance, with ease which I am grateful for.

My confidence has grown, especially with my computer skills.

I am challenged daily and learning new skills through our accounting software and by forecasting, budgeting, and becoming VAT registered.

I am truly honoured to be part of the Resilience Learning Partnership team.