RLP Resilience Learning Partnership Round Full Colour logo
Leaders with Lived Experience

In Resilience Learning Partnership (RLP) we have been thinking about and working on the development of a leadership pathway for people with lived experience of psychological trauma who work within the third and social sector in Scotland. We have been joined in our exploration by Brigid Russell, a coach and facilitator based in Stirling who is doing a part-time doctorate in organisational change using an action research approach.

We want to be bold in how we challenge and develop the kind of leadership which we believe is needed in and for the third and social sector in Scotland. That’s why we want to experiment with a different way of doing leadership development and being in a learning community together. And we’d like to invite you to join us in this experiment.

We’re not interested in providing a traditional leadership programme which has someone in a supposed ‘expert’ role who ‘teaches’ content to class on a set way of how to be a leader. Rather we want to work and learn alongside each other through participative inquiry and co-creation. In effect, our approach will value and make full use of all of our different experiences, questions, and ‘ways of knowing’.


For more information or to arrange a visit:


